News | Sept. 13, 2024

JASMMM Course Supplies Vital Training to Aviation Supply, Maintenance Professionals

By Lt. Cmdr. John Kamensky

“One of the most important reasons I attended the JASMMM course was to learn the most up-to-date policies, procedures and best practices relevant to ensuring logistics effectiveness during an upcoming deployment,” said Lt. Cmdr. Gilbert Garcia, Maintenance Officer, or “CAGMO,” with Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8 said. “Additionally, it was an opportunity for the Supply and AIMD [Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department] team of the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) and CVW-8 to share successes and challenges we collectively encountered during our most recent deployment. The great thing I enjoyed about the class is the experiences shared and the ability to work together in teams just as we would in real world operations. The JASMMM instructors provided knowledgeable insight into current and future policies and changes, and all students who attended will have invaluable tools as they continue their logistics journeys.”

The JASMMM instructor team is composed of Lt. Cmdr. John Kamensky, a Professional Aviation Maintenance Officer; Chief Petty Officer AZC Christopher Allen, an Aviation Maintenance Administrationman; and LSC Maan Carla Palad, a Logistics Specialist Chief Petty Officer with extensive aviation supply experience. The instructor team currently has one civilian vacancy who would serve as the team’s second aviation supply subject matter expert.

Since the start of 2024, the JASMMM instructor team has traveled to three fleet concentration areas—Jacksonville, Florida, San Diego, California, and Atsugi, Japan—bringing its in-depth knowledge of Naval Aviation maintenance and supply concepts to those who, for various reasons, are unable to attend the course in Newport, Rhode Island.

The Mobile Training Team (MTT) courses conducted so far in 2024 have reached 95 students—59 percent from aviation maintenance disciplines and 41 percent from aviation supply disciplines.

Ultimately, the quality of MTT events hinges upon coordination with points of contact in the local area who schedule the training location and determine facility requirements needed to conduct the course of instruction.  Lt. Cmdr. Eric DuBois, Lt. Cmdr. Adam Clay and Lt. Matthew Carbonel and Lt. Mark Nintrup were instrumental in the success of JASMMM events in their respective fleet concentration areas. Mobile events give course access to students who may otherwise be unable to attend due to travel funding shortfalls. Instead, local units provide travel funds for the JASMMM team’s visit, instead of funding student travel to Newport to attend a resident course. In total, the three MTT events have resulted in travel cost savings of $266,600 and counting.

MTT events also attract senior officers from around the fleet, who volunteer their time to visit the class and impart words of wisdom and unique perspectives. Capt. Anthony Jaramillo, Capt. Rick Rivera, Capt. Shannon Thompson and Capt. Mike Windom, Capt. (sel) Will Judd, Capt. (sel) Jason Martinson, Cmdr. Gavin Guidry and Cmdr. Mark Axinto contributed their time, talents and insight to help shape the next generation of naval aviation logistics leaders.

“The JASMMM course is vital for our supply and maintenance folks, because the curriculum helps strengthen an important core competency: the ability to build relationships. In our business, relationships are everything,” said Capt. Jason C. Warner, Commanding Officer of Navy Supply Corps School.

“Aviation supply and maintenance personnel support the same mission of aircraft readiness, but often follow very different processes. JASMMM builds procedural awareness ‘across the aisle,’ which leads to professional understanding and, most importantly, trust,” 

So far in 2024, the JASMMM team spent has 41 days on the road, with an additional two-week MTT in July. 

The JASMMM curriculum covers a wide variety of topics relevant to the Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE), ranging from basic Naval Aviation squadron and supply department organizational structures to complex weapons system acquisition and provisioning programs. Students attending the class have earned many years of work experience, but that experience is often very specialized. Course graduates leave the program with a broader perspective of where their units fit into the larger Naval Aviation Enterprise and a firm understanding of the NAE’s resource scope.

The JASMMM team generally conducts three to four MTTs and seven to eight home classes in Newport per fiscal year.  Due to the limited nature of MTT events, units are strongly encouraged to fund travel for students to attend Newport classes. Commands interested in scheduling an MTT must meet certain eligibility criteria, which includes specific facility requirements and a student participation minimum.

Submit MTT inquiries or general questions to the JASMMM team at

Lt. Cmdr. John Kamensky is the Joint Aviation Supply and Maintenance Material Management (JASMMM) Team Lead at the Navy Supply Corps School, Newport, Rhode Island.